The start of my journey

Get to know myself

How do I deal with life today?

Coming Home

Practice, practice, practice

Final Thoughts

Self Awareness Refresh!

Reflection - The Self Awareness Journey Overview Lesson

This lesson listed several benefits of improving self awareness. What benefits do I look forward to in my own life when I have greater self awareness?

What do I hope will no longer be a feeling or experience I have when I have completed this course?

Do I feel content and satisfied most of the time, regardless of what is happening around me?

Do I usually feel a centeredness and calmness in my way of being?

Do I feel really effective and successful in my roles, whatever they may be; at home, work or play?

Do I sometimes or often feel like I have to defend or protect myself around others?

Do I sometimes feel anxious without a specific source or obvious reason?

Do I get physical issues like stomach aches or stress headaches in response to my feelings?

What is my relationship with my feelings today? Do I know?

How often do I examine my feelings from a place of observation and understanding, and how often do I notice my feelings just long enough to push them away or cover them up?

Am I practiced at giving myself a guilt trip, or making myself feel bad? 

What is a typical example of how and what I waste energy in feeling guilty or bad?

What does my current environment(s) tell me about my life today?

Reflection - The Self Awareness Journey Overview LessonContinue to the next lesson ->